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The intention of this blog is to be more of a Wikipedia-type resource of mathematics for the not too expert practitioner and student. In the spirit of Wikipedia each entry has labels attached to it. Selecting one of these labels will sort the blog for that attribute. For example select "Books" and all blog entries pertaining to books will appear.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Number Sense

This is where we need to go! 

From the link:

"If you are connected with the world of K-12 mathematics education, it’s highly unlikely that a day will go by without you uttering, writing, hearing, or reading the term “number sense”. In contrast everyone else on the planet would be hard pressed to describe what it is. Though entering the term into Google will return close to 38 million hits, it has yet to enter the world’s collective consciousness. Stanford mathematician Keith Devlin explains what it is."

And further this is how to get there, from the inventor of the computer program Mathematica.

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